Transport & Access

Elms Park is well located in relation to existing transport infrastructure. However, the development would also deliver major funding for public transport services, safe cycle routes and highway improvements.

All new homes would benefit from the features of an extensive Travel Plan, which would encourage residents to walk and cycle for suitable journeys within the site, and in the local area, as well as using the enhanced public transport for other journeys. A key feature of the Travel Plan is likely to be an element of free public transport use for new residents on the site.

Some key transport facts:

  • Main site access would be from Tewkesbury Road
  • New high quality cycle routes would provide links to the town centre, Bishops Cleeve and Tewkesbury
  • A new Transport Hub would be provided parking for up to 250 cars, removing traffic from Tewkesbury Road and easing pressures on town centre parking
  • New and improved bus services would be provided to ensure frequent connections to Cheltenham town centre, GCHQ, Gloucestershire College, the rail station and Cheltenham General Hospital
  • Bus priority measures would be introduced on Tewkesbury Road to improve bus journey times and reliability
  • Targeted highway improvements would be implemented to ease congestion

Proposed Changes to Cycle Routes