New cycle ways give safer access to Cheltenham
At Elms Park we have incorporated the ideas of more sustainable travel in our transport plan with extensive bus routes and the creation of the Elms Park Cycling Strategy Plan. Within this we aim to create a cycling friendly zone, which extends out into Cheltenham, and the surrounding areas, to meet up with the existing cycle paths.
Working with local cycling groups, we have developed this cycling plan to ensure the safety of the cyclist and to ensure that it is now easy to be a cyclist in Cheltenham. As well as this, we have identified areas that require improvement to ensure the best experience while using your bike on high quality cycle lanes.
With the building of an additional 20km of offsite cycle routes, Elms Park residents, as well as neighbours and surrounding villages, will have access to safe cycle routes connecting them to the very heart of Cheltenham. Furthermore, there will be the creation of new routes to some of the key areas of Cheltenham, such as the railway station, town centre, university and college campuses as well as a connecting route to Tewkesbury and Bishop’s Cleeve.
Through the promotion of these new improved safe cycling routes both in and around Cheltenham, as well as to other local towns, using your bike will become not only feasible, but safer for everyone to use.
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