Addendum package of reports formally submitted for Elms Park
Since the submission of the outline planning application back in 2016, there have been ongoing discussions with the relevant planning authorities and other stakeholders regarding the Elms Park proposals. As a result, the Elms Park Consortium has today, Friday 20 May 2022, formally submitted an addendum package of reports to the planning authorities, responding to all issues raised and updating the application to take into consideration changes to relevant regulations since 2016.
Although the overall proposals have remained relatively unchanged, the addendum submission includes:
- Provision of more detailed plans for specific neighbourhoods, including some changes in housing density, and the commercial areas
- An updated Ecology Report, including ongoing data collection since 2016
- An updated Transport Report
- A sustainable Community Report and Shadow Habitats Regulations Assessment Report
- Some changes to the development phasing, including moving the secondary school and one primary school into phase one and locating them nearer the centre of the site
- Incorporation of an increased landscaping buffer between Elms Park and Swindon Village
Following the addendum submission, the Elms Park Consortium will share the details of the changes with stakeholders and the local community via an online consultation during summer 2022. It is hoped that a final decision on the outline application will be made this year.
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